Success Stories
Real results from Dr. Curtis Le and team

Getting her smile back
Our wonderful new patient arrived in our office — she hadn’t been to the dentist in years.
She wanted to get out of pain and just wanted to smile again.
After a few weeks completing treatment including fillings, crowns and a partial denture.
She is now pain-free, smiling again, and is now a regular patient of ours.

Fixing Chipped Teeth
A normally happy and upbeat regular patient came in, crying.
She had tripped and chipped her front teeth on the curb of a sidewalk.
Dr. Le was able to provide quick and painless local anesthetic, and fixed her teeth in less than an hour.
Our valued patient left the office as her normal happy and upbeat self again!

Cosmetic Veneers and Crowns
One awesome patient had been complaining that his front two teeth were crooked and stained and finally wanted to do something about it.
With Dr. Le’s expertise in cosmetic dentistry our patient was able to finally have two beautiful, straight front teeth again.

Cavities and Fillings
One of our regular patients was complaining that her husband never came and saw the dentist.
We welcomed her husband into our practice, and we fixed his decay with beautiful, long-lasting fillings.
We only use quality instruments and materials, so you’ll always look and feel the best about your teeth.